Tuesday, April 17, 2012


DIY tulip skirt/shirt, F21 shoes, Charlotte Russe sunglasses

Today felt terribly long even though it was a shortened school day for me. Mom was given this Camaro to rent because her car has a long repair in the shop - this car is totally free except gas. She was ecstatic. I, also, am ecstatic because Thursday I'm getting an iPhone! Instagram here I come :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


DIY Corduroy shorts, F21 top, unknown bracelets, Charlotte Russe Sunglasses

The red shorts sort of matched the mood with the new hair. It's a pretty bright red, though in these pictures it may be a little harder to tell. The tips are very vibrant, however. I kind of love it :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I'm obsessed with the PC knockoff of Instagram; it's called Pixlr. These flowers were an Easter gift from Jake. He brought them at 10:30. Keeper? I think so. Happy Easter everyone!


Come two days before my prom, which is in approximately 2 weeks, I will have ombre hair. Except I plan to do a graduation of reds: auburn-brown to bright fire at the tips. I'm not going to a salon, either, but I'm gonna wing it with the DIY. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


F21 pants & shirt, one ring, Cotton On Oxfords, necklace Charlotte Russe

There's nothing better than spicing up an outfit with a, well, spicy pair of pants. These were around $20 and fit extremely well - a bit high-waisted, but regardless, a good purchase. And also quite a dare for me, as colorful pants were out of my market until very recently.